纽芬兰 (page 1/7)

现在展示: 纽芬兰 - (通用)邮票 (1857 - 1947) - 319 邮票.

[Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, 类型 A] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, 类型 B] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, 类型 C] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, 类型 D] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, 类型 A1] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, 类型 A2] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, 类型 E] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, 类型 F] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, 类型 G] [Coat of Arms & Heraldic Flowers of the United Kingdom - Thick Paper with Mesh, 类型 H]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
1 A 1P - 136 218 - USD  Info
2 B 2P - 13084 6542 - USD  Info
3 C 3P - 1090 545 - USD  Info
4 D 4P - 8723 3271 - USD  Info
5 A1 5P - 272 545 - USD  Info
5a* A2 5P - 136 436 - USD  Info
6 E 6P - 16356 4906 - USD  Info
7 F 6½P - 3271 3816 - USD  Info
8 G 8P - 327 654 - USD  Info
9 H 1Sh - 16356 6542 - USD  Info
1‑9 - 59617 27041 - USD 
1860 As Previous - Thin Paper & No Mesh

窗口管理器: 空缺 筛孔: Imperforated

[As Previous - Thin Paper & No Mesh, 类型 B1] [As Previous - Thin Paper & No Mesh, 类型 C1] [As Previous - Thin Paper & No Mesh, 类型 A3] [As Previous - Thin Paper & No Mesh, 类型 H1]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
10 B1 2P - 436 654 - USD  Info
11 C1 3P - 87.23 190 - USD  Info
12 D1 4P - 3271 1090 - USD  Info
13 A3 5P - 109 436 - USD  Info
14 E1 6P - 3816 654 - USD  Info
15 H1 1Sh - 27260 10904 - USD  Info
10‑15 - 34980 13929 - USD 
1861 -1862 New Colors - Hard Paper

窗口管理器: 空缺 筛孔: Imperforated

[New Colors - Hard Paper, 类型 A4] [New Colors - Hard Paper, 类型 B3] [New Colors - Hard Paper, 类型 D3] [New Colors - Hard Paper, 类型 A7] [New Colors - Hard Paper, 类型 E2] [New Colors - Hard Paper, 类型 E3] [New Colors - Hard Paper, 类型 F2] [New Colors - Hard Paper, 类型 G1] [New Colors - Hard Paper, 类型 H3]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
16 A4 1P - 218 436 - USD  Info
16a* A5 1P - 6542 - - USD  Info
17 B2 2P - 218 545 - USD  Info
17A* B3 2P - 218 545 - USD  Info
18 D2 4P - 136 218 - USD  Info
18A* D3 4P - 43.62 136 - USD  Info
19 A6 5P - 65.42 272 - USD  Info
19a* A7 5P - 87.23 436 - USD  Info
20 E2 6P - 136 218 - USD  Info
20A* E3 6P - 32.71 136 - USD  Info
21 F1 6½P - 272 872 - USD  Info
21A* F2 6½P - 87.23 545 - USD  Info
22 G1 8P - 109 654 - USD  Info
23 H2 1Sh - 272 872 - USD  Info
23A* H3 1Sh - 54.52 327 - USD  Info
16‑23 - 1428 4089 - USD 
1866 Definitive Issues - Yellowish Paper

一月 窗口管理器: 空缺 筛孔: 12

[Definitive Issues - Yellowish Paper, 类型 I] [Definitive Issues - Yellowish Paper, 类型 I1] [Definitive Issues - Yellowish Paper, 类型 J] [Definitive Issues - Yellowish Paper, 类型 K1] [Definitive Issues - Yellowish Paper, 类型 L] [Definitive Issues - Yellowish Paper, 类型 L1] [Definitive Issues - Yellowish Paper, 类型 M] [Definitive Issues - Yellowish Paper, 类型 N] [Definitive Issues - Yellowish Paper, 类型 N1]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
24 I 2C - 163 65.42 - USD  Info
24A* I1 2C - 109 43.62 - USD  Info
25 J 5C - 654 218 - USD  Info
26 K 10C - 327 109 - USD  Info
26A* K1 10C - 272 65.42 - USD  Info
27 L 12C - 545 190 - USD  Info
27A* L1 12C - 65.42 32.71 - USD  Info
28 M 13C - 136 109 - USD  Info
29 N 24C - 43.62 54.52 - USD  Info
29A* N1 24C - 1308 545 - USD  Info
24‑29 - 1870 746 - USD 
1868 -1873 Prince Eduard & Queen Victoria

窗口管理器: 空缺 筛孔: 12

[Prince Eduard & Queen Victoria, 类型 O] [Prince Eduard & Queen Victoria, 类型 O1] [Prince Eduard & Queen Victoria, 类型 P] [Prince Eduard & Queen Victoria, 类型 P1] [Prince Eduard & Queen Victoria, 类型 J1] [Prince Eduard & Queen Victoria, 类型 P2]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
30 O 1C - 65.42 65.42 - USD  Info
30a* O1 1C - 136 87.23 - USD  Info
31 P 3C - 327 136 - USD  Info
32 P1 3C - 327 32.71 - USD  Info
33 J1 5C - 327 163 - USD  Info
34 P2 6C - 13.08 27.26 - USD  Info
30‑34 - 1059 425 - USD 
1876 -1879 As Previous - Rouletted or Imperforated

窗口管理器: 空缺 筛孔: Imperforated

[As Previous - Rouletted or Imperforated, 类型 O2] [As Previous - Rouletted or Imperforated, 类型 I2] [As Previous - Rouletted or Imperforated, 类型 P3] [As Previous - Rouletted or Imperforated, 类型 Q1]
号码 类型 面值 崭新 未经使用 旧的 首日封
35 O2 1C - 136 65.42 - USD  Info
36 I2 2C - 190 65.42 - USD  Info
37 P3 3C - 327 5.45 - USD  Info
38 Q1 5C - 272 4.36 - USD  Info
35‑38 - 926 140 - USD 







